Managing services

NOTE: Logs are stored in /var/log/system.log by default, and do not go through syslog.

With Epoch, service management is easy. Running the command 'epoch help' provides decent documentation
of how to manage your services, so I've copied the output onto this page. Let me know at,
or perhaps try to get me on IRC if you feel that some of this could be explained better.

epoch [poweroff/halt/reboot]:
	Enter poweroff, halt, or reboot to do the obvious.

epoch [disable/enable] objectid:
	Enter disable or enable followed by an object ID to disable or enable
	that object.

epoch [start/stop/restart] objectid:
	Enter start, stop, or restart followed by an object ID to control
	that object.

epoch objrl objectid [del/add/check] runlevel:
	runlevel del and add do pretty much what it sounds like,
	and check will tell you if that object is enabled for that runlevel.

epoch status [objectid]:
	Prints information about the object specified.
	If an object is not specified, it prints info on all known objects.

epoch setcad [on/off]:
	Sets Ctrl-Alt-Del instant reboot modes. If set to on,
	striking Ctrl-Alt-Del at a console will instantly reboot the system
	without intervention by Epoch. Otherwise, if set to off, Epoch will perform
	a normal reboot when Ctrl-Alt-Del is pressed.

epoch configreload:
	Enter configreload to reload the configuration file from disk.
	This is useful for when you change it
	to add or remove services, change runlevels, and more.

epoch reexec:
	Enter reeexec to partially restart Epoch from disk.
	This is necessary for updating the Epoch binary to prevent
	a failure with unmounting the filesystem the binary is on.

epoch runlevel:
	Enter runlevel without any arguments to print the current runlevel,
	or enter an argument as the new runlevel.

epoch getpid objectid:
	Retrieves the PID Epoch has on record for the given object.
	If a PID file is specified, then the PID will be gotten from there.

epoch kill objectid:
	Sends SIGKILL to the object specified. If a PID file is specified,
	the PID will be retrieved from that.

epoch version:
	Prints the current version of the Epoch Init System.

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